Attending group virtually is a PRIVILEDGE. It is imperative to have a strong and stable wifi connection. There is NO RECORDING at any time in group sessions. Group members found to be recording sessions will be terminated.
Group members are not allowed to use alcohol and drugs while in the program. If it is found that a group member is using or tests positive for a substance they will be restarted in the program.
Group members will be restarted for new charges and violations of their Order of Protection.
Group members are permitted 3 unexcused absences while in the P.E.A.P. Going over these unexcused absences will result in an extension. Group members may have an absence excused solely in the case of them being in the hospital at the time of group. A discharge summary is required.
Group members are expected to attend their assigned group once a week. Group members must be on time and attend the entire session to receive credit. Group members who arrive late will not be permitted. Group members who miss two groups in a row will be terminated.
Group members are expected to pay their group fee weekly; however, if 1 weeks' payment is missed it is REQUIRED that the full amount (2 weeks) is paid before the next group. Failure to pay an outstanding balance will result in an absence.
Group members are required to attend 4 individual sessions throughout the program. It is recommended to schedule an individual session every other month.
Group members must have their cameras on and be sitting in a well lit area alone. Offensive shirts and sleeveless undershirts are not permitted. Please dress appropriately. Group members may not eat, smoke, or drive during group.
Aggressive and/or offensive behavior will not be tolerated towards facilitators or other group members. This may result in removal from group or the program entirely.